Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Arrival at Grand Bahama Island 0430. It was a long 17 hour trip. Auto pilot failed after 4 hours into the voyage, leaving us to hand steer the rest of the way. Chris steered most of the way, I handled a couple of hours here and there. Winds did not cooperate, was NOT in our favor, and therefore not an easy comfortable sail. We had to motor most of the way.

0930 dingyed into register with customs and immigration, stopped to get online to drop a quick note, now outbound for the next island.


  1. aloha lisa & chris, great to see you thru cyber space! i'll be sure to check the blog. northerly conditions persist here on oahu making it one of the chilliest march's i've ever experienced. saw surfers in wetsuits at sandbar last weekend! surfing on oc1 a little more tolerable. your inflatable looks like a yellow opihi on iwalani! be safe, guys, and fair winds!

  2. Sail Boat Ahoy!!!!
    Hope you can get the auto pilot fixed. Take it easy and keep us posted. We love you much.
    Zues says Wolf! Wolf!
